Color Coding Outfits: Army Green & Pink

August 04, 2018

Sooo! I'm gonna make a blogpost serial called Color Coding Outfits or soon we're gonna call it #CCO. The contents are, of course, some mixing and matching outfits by different colors each post.

Untuk postingan pertama, karena satu dan lain hal, I picked army green and pink to mix and match. Ada beberapa hal, sih, yang menurutku harus diperhatikan dalam mix and match dua warna ini, yaitu perlunya ada warna netral biar kedua warna yang masing-masing punya kesan yang kuat ini bisa tercampur dengan baik.

Warna netral banyakk banget dan yang paling aku suka adalah warna putih. Berhubung ceritanyaaaaa ini adalah koleksi beach outfits, jadi yang akan kamu lihat di sini adalah outfits yang chill abiz. Kind of. I made four alternatives for this theme as you can see below. 

I love mixing white plain shirt with colored bottoms, and since our theme today is army green and pink, I think it won't hurt if I add pink headscarf with it!

My favorite item: Patrizia Pepe Flat Sandals from Giglio
This one actually has no pink in it, but since it's a part of a collection it's okay to add just one color. I picked aaallll the neutrals and picked a rather soft army green as the cherry on top!

My favorite item: Broadgate Cropped Cotton Trousers from Harvey Nichols
This one was made for those who is rather girly, that's why I picked the color pink to dominate the look and a little bit of green to freshen up.

My favorite item: Drive Time Mule from DSW

This outfit has pink in it but doesn't look too sweet, does it? I personally love this combo especially with the t-shirt which made it very casual.

My favorite item: Dark Olive Sandals from Marni

As you can see, each outfit has its own main point and different vibes. Actually... I made this for four of my friends and they have a distinct different style when it comes to outfits. Which one do you like best? 

P.S.: I wish you could give me some inputs on which language I should use, because it's confusing sometimes he-he.

Zero Waste, One Step at A Time

July 31, 2018

Akhir-akhir ini saya melihat banyak teman-teman yang ramai-ramai membeli sedotan bambu ataupun stainless steel dalam upayanya mengurangi sampah sedotan plastik. Maksudnya intensitas orang-orang Indonesia untuk membeli produk zero waste sepertinya semakin meningkat akhir-akhir ini, yang pasti ini adalah berita bagus dan langkah awal kita buat memulai gaya hidup yang lebih sehat.

Meskipun dari kecil saya sudah diberi contoh sama ibu untuk nggak usah pakai plastik kalau belanja di warung, saya sendiri baru cari tau lebih dalam dan tertarik banget sama lifestyle ini tahun kemarin. Dari situ saya sering banget nontonin youtube dan bacain blog tentang zero-waste dan minimalist lifestyle. Untungnya waktu itu di sekitar saya sering sekali diadakan acara khusus seperti bazaar organik dan sejenisnya. Saya mulai kenal dan mencoba membeli barang-barang bebas plastik seperti sikat gigi bambu, tas belanja, sampai skincare organik. Saya juga mulai cari-cari resep raw foods, serta resep makanan yang pengolahannya lebih sehat.

Ada beberapa channel dan blog dengan konten zero-waste dan minimalist lifestyle yang sering saya kunjungi. Right now I wanted to share those to raise a little more awareness. Di bawah nanti juga saya akan memasukkan beberapa toko di Indonesia yang menyediakan barang-barang zero-waste atau organik yang mungkin bisa jadi referensi kamu!


1. Trash is for Tossers / Package Free

Trash is for Tossers adalah blog sekaligus channel Youtube yang dibuat oleh Lauren Singer. Di blog maupun channelnya, mbak Lauren ini berbagi tips gaya hidup zero waste mulai dari perlengkapan, makanan, sampai skincare. Tau nggak sih, mbaknya cuma menghasilkan sampah satu toples dalam setahun! Akhir-akhir ini sepertinya youtube-nya nggak begitu aktif, tapi kamu tetep bisa nonton video-video lamanya, blogpostnya, juga follow instagramnya. Dari trashisfortossers, mbaknya bikin bisnis toko perlengkapan zero-waste juga lho, namanya Package Free. Lucuk deh desainnya. Tapi kalau mau yang lebih murah dan nggak harus pesan dari luar negeri, kamu juga bisa cari toko lokal lainnya di Indonesia.

2. Pick Up Limes

img source:

Kalau yang ini channel dan blog yang lebih fokus ke resep-resep makanan organik yang dibuat oleh mbak Sadia Badiei. Ini bukan another food blog, kok, karena mbak Sadia ini memang lulusan dietetics. I personally love this mbak karena cara membawakan kontennya ademmmm banget, jadi berasa lah minimalist lifestylenya hihi. Iya, kadang-kadang mbaknya juga bikin konten minimalist lifestyle dan traveling. Kamu bisa mengunjungi channelnya, blognya, maupun instagramnya.


1. Cleanomic /

Nah kalau udah merasa bahwa penting banget ternyata mengurangi sampah yang nggak bisa didaur-ulang! Jangan bingung-bingung. Salah satu referensi toko online yang menyediakan perlengkapan dan produk zero waste lokal adalah Selain sedotan, kamu juga bisa beli menstrual pad, sikat gigi, container, dan masih banyak lagi. Harganya relatif murah juga!


Selain Cleanomic, saya juga menemukan website Perintilannya juga kurang lebih sama seperti Cleanomic. Tambahannya, selain website untuk jual produk, mereka juga punya blog. Untuk produknya kamu bisa bandingkan sendiri ya, semuanya tergantung preferensi.

3. Toko Organic / @toko_organic

I'm not sure if zero-waste lifestyle necessarily related to organic lifestyle (somehow I feel they are siblings). While trying to purchase zero-waste appliances, organics may come to your mind. Therefore in Toko Organic, you can find, like, everything. Sebagian besar mereka menjual bahan-bahan makanan maupun makanan olahan organik, namun kamu juga bisa menemukan bodycare dan skincare organik di sini. Saya pernah berkunjung ke toko offline-nya di Bandung (Jl. Cimanuk), dan ternyata mereka punya dua cabang lagi yaitu di Bali dan di Jakarta. Selama ini toko offline yang menyediakan perlengkapan dan bahan-bahan organik yang saya tahu memang cuma Toko Organic. Mungkin teman-teman punya referensi tambahan dan bersedia berbagi?

Kalau kamu punya referensi lainnya tentang zero waste, boleh lho bagi-bagi! :)

Things I Learned: 23 and a Half Year-Old

July 17, 2018

GUYS! It has been a pretty exhausting weekend for me and right now I was just FULLY woke up and finally get my things together. I attended a k-pop concert last Sunday in Jakarta and the first thing I realized after I reached home and passed out was...  today is Tuesday already?? My mind is absolutely elsewhere since Sunday.

Anyway, I will not post anything about that concert today, unless you ask me to haha. INSTEAD! I will post about things I have learned on my 23 and might be related to that. I hope some of them will relate to you, but I don't know, let's see.

captured by the talented @humaira_______


I mean... It's super rare for me to not having a plan. You know, even when my mother simply asked me to buy groceries I will make a plan for that. And you know, about that concert thingy, I was never a concert girl. I'm a homebody, ok, guys. I find comfort just to stay at home. Concert for me was a big event that used to scare the sh-- out of me. It's because I don't know what should I do in a concert??? There'd be SO MANY PEOPLE. And to pay two millions for a ticket??? God. If I wanna play the music I would just open Spotify, you know what I mean?

But I don't know. At some point I was like picking some random choices these past months and I wouldn't freaking care what it'd take me to. I used to live very carefully and I came to realize that I need these kinds of choices. I lack of experiences. I want to live, you know. And If I make a choice that turns out a bad one, or I'm going to regret it, then be it. Be it. At least I have experienced what's bad. And I will know because I have experienced it, not just because I know it's bad. Of course I pay attention to boundaries too.

I MEAN. Attending a concert wasn't a bad choice for me, but attending a concert WITHOUT ANY preparation might be the one haha.


It is. I resigned on the early 2018 because my previous office had a very toxic environment, and when I say toxic I don't exaggerate it. It's beyond the line. I realized that when you were in a negative environment, no matter how positive you tried to be, you would slowly turn negative too.

I'm blessed enough to still secure my part-time job in another company after I resigned. I like this job so much because my boss is very positive and assuring, the job were very challenging so I could always develop. In the other side, to land a full-time job... it's sooo frustrating sometimes because I have sent countless application and I would hear nothing.

Then, the idea to continue my blog was appearing out of nowhere! Thank God, I still love blogging and now I even had specific categories for this blog!


Living for a year after graduating college has knocked me into reality. I lived with at least a system before, but living (truly living a life) has no system unless we create it ourselves. I watched people taking test for a job, getting master's scholarship, getting engaged and married, and the other various life points EVERYDAY. There sure is no exact rule to life, isn't it?

If I couldn't land a full-time job today while people my age is currently getting a job promotion, it isn't my failure. If my friends were engaged, I didn't have to be in one, did I? My timeline is different. Freaking different. And I am happy about it because the best has yet to come and I feel blessed because God has given me chances to live my life as my own.

People has different goals in life, therefore their timeline would also be very different. Don't you agree?

What have you learned on your 20-something life? Care to share?

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs